Art Squares Look & Stare




The third book in the serious following the the themes loss, pain, and love


Art squares Look & Stare My third book of poems is a broad selection of themes and ideas written over the last two years. Some drawn from personal experience and direct observation while others more playful, fanciful, surreal; reflecting individual concerns more sociological than political. A mixed bag of assorted vignettes and anecdotes brought together under the collective. A large majority of the poems are written and presented in traditional stanza form. A conscious decision made in order to tighten up the work to make the pieces concise, pithier and structurally more coherent. Can be found on South London Books


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Product Details

ISBN 978-11232-19-
Robert Bray Copyright (Standard Copyright Licence)
Edition First
Publisher William Cornelius Harris Publishing
Published 25 February 2018
Language English
Pages 74
Binding Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink Black & white
Weight 0.16 kg
Dimensions (centimetres)
14.81 wide x 20.98 tall

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