Ooetry eBook





Wendy Young Ooetry eBook.  Oohs and ahs on life, mates, Hammer Horror, wild west heroes, being poked and celebrity’s dark side, Wendy’s first book with W.C.H.Publishing takes you ‘from ‘ere ‘ere to maturity’. A spoken word artist in London, Wendy also has an performing background, has taught poetry performance skills and reviewed for Disability Arts Online. She is a regular performer at Survivors (A-Z of Razz is a tribute to lauded MC).

Wendy has had some poetry published in magazines and anthologies.

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Wendy Young Ooetry eBook Wonderful Gift

Paper back



Product Details

ISBN 9781326476571
Edition First
Published 13 November 2015
Language English
File Format ePub
File Size 36.49 KB

Formats for this Ebook

Required Software Any ePub Reader
Supported Devices Windows PC/PocketPC, Mac OS, Linux OS, Apple iPhone/iPod Touch…
# of Devices Unlimited
Flowing Text / Pages Flowing Text
Printable? Yes

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